Perhaps it’s one of our own ceramic plates that you are looking to hang (if so, thank you!). Or maybe it’s a cherished ceramic object from a market picked up on travels or a piece by another wonderful ceramic artist (there are many…).

Whether it’s one ceramic plate or several, displaying ceramics on a wall can be a wonderful way to bring some character and compliment your existing art.

Hanging Ceramics As Wall Art

For most decorative ceramic objects, you likely have 2 options; a wire plate hanger or an adhesive disk plate sticker. For some pieces, picture hanging wire may also be an option.

Wire Plate Hangers

Wire plate hangers grip the edge of a plate with a loop on the reverse to hook over a nail. It does mean that the grips are visible - it's an aesthetic I actually like but appreciate many perhaps prefer a clean finish and therefore another option may suit you better.

The plate hangers come in various sizes and many DIY hardware stores sell them, as well as being readily available via Amazon (some suggested links below) - just ensure that you double check sizes before you purchase.

Hook the top grips over the top edge of your ceramic piece.

Step-by-Step Guide

On the reverse, pull down the hanger down to meet the bottom edge, securing the grips over the rim then hang.

Top Tip - slightly push back the loop which will help the piece sit flatter on the wall

Top Tip - for pieces with a high foot on the base, if you can, position the springs either side to sit flatter on the wall.

Adhesive Disc Stickers

This isn’t an option I’ve tested to date (for full transparency!) on our ceramic plates as I tend to use picture hanging wire (see option below) - I’ve only used these plate stickers on the curio collection.

You need a little more patience with this route, leaving it overnight to ensure the 'glue' really takes hold onto the ceramics but these stickers give a clean aestethic to hanging your plates - no grips visible.

Different sizes, each size takes a different weight so check the instructions on the packaging before purchasing.

Like the above, they come in various sizes (for different weights) and can be found in DIY hardware stores and via the likes of Amazon.

Before purchasing, always check the weight of your ceramic piece(s) to ensure you buy the correct adhesive sticker.

Choose the correct adhesive disc for your piece and with a damp cloth wipe clean your ceramic surface.

Step-by-Step Guide

Wet the back of the sticker and leave for 10-15mins to get 'tacky'

Once 'tacky' place the sticker onto the object and firmly press, pushing out any air bubles. Leave overnight.

Pick up by the loop and give it a good jiggle to check the disk is firmly attached, then hang!

Picture Hanging Wire

This may not be relevent for all ceramics but if your piece has a foot on the base with a hole or two, as our plates do, you may be able to use picture hanging wire.

Like the adhesive disk sticker, using picture wire gives a ‘clean’ aesthetic when hanging.

I like to use a stainless steel wire which feels strong and stiff as it feels more robust once twisted. This picture wire is what I bought most recently that I like to use for myself.

Cut to length the wire and thread through the hole(s) available.

Step-by-Step Guide

Take each end of the wire and cross over each other then continue to wrap and twist the wire around each other.

Once the wire on both sides is twisted, it’s ready to hang!